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Intensive Archaeological Survey of the ULS Block 1 Oil Well Pads and Frac Pond, Reagan County, Texas
Texas Historical Commission
On May 14, 2014, Pape-Dawson archaeologists conducted an intensive pedestrian survey of Devon Energy’s proposed oil well pads and frac pond situated on lands owned by the University of Texas Land Systems approximately 5.2 miles southwest of the former community of Texon, and 23.6 miles west of Big Lake in Reagan County, Texas. The crew excavated five judgmentally placed shovel tests within this approximately 6.3 hectare (15.5-acre) project area (split into two locations), all of which were negative for cultural materials. This work, performed in compliance with the Antiquities Code of Texas, was performed under Texas Antiquities Permit #6875. No federal permitting or funding is attached to this project, so compliance with Section 106 of the National Register of Historic Places is not necessary.
Archaeologists recorded one archaeological site, 41RG383, within the footprint of the well pads. This site did not contain diagnostic artifacts or a buried component; it consisted of two hearths and two artifacts (a flake and a preform), all of which were observed on the surface. No historic structures were observed within the project footprint or within the vicinity of the project area. Due to the lack of diagnostic artifacts, the ephemeral nature of the site, and the lack of buried deposits, the principal investigator recommends that this site is not eligible to be a State Antiquities Landmark, and that no further archaeological work at this site is necessary.
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