"July 1, 1835: What did the Caddo Believe they were Selling, and was th" by Jim Tiller and Gang Gong


Caddo Archeology Journal




Most Caddo scholars interested in the tribe’s last years in Louisiana would probably agree that the above questions are largely settled business. The authors, both geographers, would tend to concur that a consensus has probably been reached on these questions; however, those with a desire to get at the truth of the matter might want to at least consider the array of archival documentation that paints a somewhat different picture of this aspect of the land cession. In the pages that follow, a case will be presented that, from the Caddo perspective of the mid-1830s, the tribe knew exactly what they intended to sell the United States, and that ultimately the per-acre price paid to them was greater than they proposed to the treaty negotiator. Certainly in hindsight the Caddo got the short end of the stick, but in terms of conditions on the ground at the time, period materials suggest that the deal made was fair, reasonable and clearly desired by both sides.

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