"Remote Sensing at the Horace Cabe Site (41BW14)" by Chester P. Walker and Timothy K. Perttula


Caddo Archeology Journal




A magnetometer survey was conducted at the Horace Cabe Mound site (41BW14) in 2005 by Walker and Schultz as part of the Bowie County Levee Realignment project in Bowie County, Texas. The purpose of the survey was to attempt to locate anomalies that may represent potential archaeological features at this important Late Caddo mound center near the Red River. The area was surveyed using a Geometrics portable G858 cesium sensor magnetometer and a G-856 proton magnetometer base station. This article puts on record another substantive example of Caddo archaeology as seen through the use of remote sensing technology.

The original processing and interpretation of this data presented in Sundermeyer et al. are not simply re-hashed here. Further data processing has revealed several possible Caddo structures on and in the immediate vicinity of Mounds B and C at the Cabe site.

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