"Archaeological Testing at the Selma Stagecoach Stop and Post Office (4" by David L. Nickels and José E. Zapata


Center for Archaeological Research




The Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) of The University of Texas at San Antonio contracted with the City of Selma, Texas—under Texas Antiquities Committee Permit No. 2395—for the purpose of conducting limited shovel testing and test excavations at the Selma Stagecoach Stop/Post Office. The building is to be restored to serve as one element of a planned historic park. Shovel testing was conducted in May 2000 on a 8,250 square foot area (766.4 m2) surrounding the stagecoach stop structure. The purpose of the shovel tests was to assess the presence of intact archaeological deposits below the surface. Thirty-nine shovel tests were excavated around the structure. The results of the shovel testing indicated that the elevated areas along the west and south elevations of the structure are relatively undisturbed.

Subsequently, in October 2000, test excavations were carried out along the exterior and interior of the structure. Four units were excavated, three outside and one within the structure. These investigations resulted in the recovery of nineteenth- and twentieth-century cultural material and the documentation of architectural features. It is recommended that detailed and comprehensive archival research be conducted to compile historical and perhaps architectural details regarding the stagecoach stop/post office. In addition, it is recommended that archaeological investigations be conducted in the area of the presumed location of the north wall of the structure to pinpoint its location. Finally, it is recommended that archaeological monitoring be conducted as subsurface impacts are carried out away from the structure to identify and document any features and facilities that may have been associated with the stagecoach stop but may have been situated outside of the fenced area immediately near the structure.

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