"Titus Phase Archeology at the S. Stockade Site (41TT865) on Tankersley" by Timothy K. Perttula, Bo Nelson et al.


Caddo Archeology Journal




The S. Stockade site was discovered on a small rise (330 feet amsl) in the Tankersley Creek floodplain during a recent archeological survey for the Texas Department of Transportation. Tankersley Creek is a southward-flowing tributary to Big Cypress Creek, and enters that creek’s floodplain a few miles below the Lake Bob Sandlin dam. There is a dense concentration of prehistoric archeological sites throughout the Tankersley Creek valley, particularly post-A.D. 800 Caddo Indian sites. This paper discusses the archeology of the S. Stockade site, a Late Caddoan Titus phase settlement.

The rise at the S. Stockade site is grass-covered (with a surface visibility of less than 10%), except along the eroded slopes, where the clay B-horizon subsoil is exposed. The old creek channel immediately to the west of the rise has recently been channelized, and between the rise and the channelized creek are several low-lying marshy areas with standing water.

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