"Prehistoric Ceramic Sherds from 41MM341 on the Little River, Milam Cou" by Timothy K. Perttula


Journal of Northeast Texas Archeology




Site 41MM341 is a stratified Late Prehistoric site along the Little River in Milam County, Texas, not far from the confluence of the Little River and the Brazos River. Calibrated two-sigma radiocarbon dates from Zone 2 (ca. 70-90 em bs) range from AD 660-1190, and one two-sigma calibrated date of AD 1320- 1480 has been obtained from Zone I (0 to ca. 70 em bs). A few ceramic sherds were found in Zone 1 deposits. Based on the Zone 1 calibrated radiocarbon date, Mahoney and Tomka concluded that the latest occupation of 41MM341 took place during the Toyah phase, and they also concluded that "based on construction method and temper, these fcera.micj specimens are likely to date to the later part of the Late Prehistoric Period."

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