

Texas Historical Commission




The town of Seguin in Guadalupe County, Texas, was known for its numerous limecrete structures. Limecrete structures probably once numbered more than 100; now, the house known as Sebastopol is one of only two still standing. Between 1978 and 1988, archeological excavations were conducted by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in and around Sebastopol. The excavations were preparatory to and in conjunction with architectural restoration of the building and development of the site as a State Historical Park. Archeological excavations were intended to evaluate only those areas impacted by the architectural restoration. Excavation units were placed primarily in and around the building, but also around the cistern and in other yard areas. This report, prepared by Prewitt and Associates, Inc., summarizes the excavation seasons and provides analyses of ceramics from across the site as well as diagnostic artifacts from three rooms in the house. Artifacts range in age from the mid nineteenth century up to modem times and came from as far away as Europe and the Far East. Of 106,586 artifacts recovered by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 4,071 artifacts are discussed here.


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