

Journal of Northeast Texas Archeology




The translation of historical documents is essential to the practices of archaeology and ethnohistory. The present translation presents the complete text of a letter written by Fray Francisco Hidalgo to the Viceroy of New Spain on November 4, 1716. This translation strives for accuracy and adds contextual information to enhance the value of the document. Fray Hidalgo's letter exemplifies how Spanish officials acquired information about the French and the various Native groups, and how they viewed their interrelationships, actions, and customs. It confirms that Fr. Hidalgo did write two letters to the French officials in Louisiana, includes important floral and faunal information, provides locations for the Apache and Pawnee, and states that Diego Ramon traveled to the Mississippi River and visited Mobile. The epistle provides information on the geo-political and economic paradigms of the time, and how they shaped Spanish policy.

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