"Recent Work at 34PA341 in the Brushy-Peaceable Watershed" by Don R. Dickson


Caddo Archeology Journal




In October 1993, Historic Preservation Associates (HPA) conducted Phase II assessments at several sites in SCS Impoundments 26 and 29 in the Brushy-Peaceable watershed, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma. Timothy C. Klinger acted as principal investigator; field director was Don R. Dickson. Most sites had been seriously disturbed by rodent activity and recent erosion. 34PS341, however, was located on a high terrace of Gardner Creek, did not seem to be as disturbed, and appeared to possibly represent a single Caddoan occupation.

In April 1994, the HPA team excavated an additional 14 1x1 m units in the northeastern part of the site, an area that had yielded several culturally and functionally diagnostic artifacts in three 1x1 m units excavated in October. Three features were exposed during this work, as well as additional diagnostic artifacts. Feature 1 was a concentration of sandstone rock which did not seem fire-cracked. Feature 2 was a pit (storage?) which had been dug into sterile subsoil. Although pit the contents were waterscreened. nothing was found in the matrix that would suggest the pit use. Feature 3, only partially excavated at this time because most of it lay outside the 14-unit area (the team was excavating the last unit at that time), was a pit containing a substantial hearth in its upper margins. Charcoal from this hearth produced a 13C adjusted age of 1180 ± 70 B.P. (Beta-72083). This date indicated probable site use during the Terminal Late Woodland; a Haskell point recovered in Level 1 suggested Late Caddoan times.

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