"Archaeological Testing of 41RN129, Runnels County, Texas" by Gregory P. Wood


Gregory P. Wood


Texas Historical Commission


Site 41RN129 is a prehistoric site on the east or left terrace above the Colorado River, cut by CR 129, in southeastern Runnels County, District 7. Phase II archaeological testing was undertaken at 41RN129 by the author in order to determine eligibility for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (in accordance with 36 CFR, Part 800) and State Landmark status. Testing was also conducted in order to determine cultural context, and horizontal and vertical boundaries of the site within the right-of-way. The site contains a prehistoric cultural zone of unknown origin, that is partially exposed on the surface and buried under up to 40 cm of sandy soil. No diagnostic material was recovered during testing. Two possible burned rock features were identified during testing operations. An adjacent strip of right-of-way, up to 100 ft, will be acquired in the site area. Results of testing indicate that further investigations will not add significantly to the overall regional prehistoric database, and that site 41RN129 does not meet the criteria for designation as a State Archaeological Landmark nor should be listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

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