"Archaeological Testing (Phase II) of Prehistoric Site 41BX785 for the " by Ronald W. Burkett


Texas Historical Commission




During October and November 1988, subsurface testing (Phase II) was conducted at prehistoric site 41 BX 785, found in the West Salado Creek Outfall pipeline easement during a pedestrian survey (Phase I) of the project area. The Phase II limited testing determined that the subsurface portion of the prehistoric site is essentially intact, and at least two stratified occupation levels were identified. Although the tests did not produce diagnostic (datable) cultural materials, there is a notable amount of stone tool debit age in the central area, some unidentified biface fragments and burned rock which probably represents displaced hearth stones. We believe the site to be potentially eligible for consideration as a State Archeological Landmark and for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. Because the site lies within the pipeline easement and will be impacted by the installation of the pipeline, and since it is a potentially significant cultural resource, we recommend that the site be considered for mitigation.

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