"Inventory and Assessment of Cultural Resources Above the 1,551.5-Foot " by Willliam A. Bryan and Michael B. Collins




In August and September 1986, personnel from Prewitt and Associates, Inc. conducted an inventory and assessment of cultural resources in five recreational area tracts above the conservation pool elevation of the proposed Stacy Reservoir in Concho, Coleman. and Runnels counties, Texas. These investigations were sponsored by the Colorado River Municipal Water District in compliance with federal requirements for a construction permit from the Corps of Engineers. Approximately 1,690 acres were surveyed. and five previously unrecorded sites were discovered and documented. Cairn feature sites 41CC213 and 41CC237 are deemed potentially significant and should be preserved or investigated to determine their significance if preservation cannot be assured. In the course of the survey. 16 previously recorded sites were encountered and. in the case of 5 of these sites. adjustments were made in their boundaries. Concurrent with the survey. 11 localities and 34 sites within the previously surveyed conservation pool area were revisited. A preliminary examination of the geologic context of these sites was conducted which resulted in recognition of important geoarcheological data potential for sites in the alluviated valleys of the project area.



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