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In November and December 1983, archeological and historical research was carried out at site 41TT310 in the proposed Lake Bob Sandlin State Park, Titus County, Texas. The project was sponsored by the Texas ParkS and Wildlife Department and was prompted by the need to assess the significance of site 41TT310 to aid in planning park development. The fieldwork entailed excavating 21 I-by-l-m test pits to define the site limits and to gather oata on site content. The historical research involved a literature ana archival search ana informant interviews to try to determine the location of a Republ ie of Texas-era historic site called Fort Sherman and to help in interpreting the historic component at 41TT310. Analysis of the data collected reveals that there are at least two prehistoric components and at least one historic component present at the site. The prehistoric components represent very limited use during the middle Archaic period, limited use of parts of the site during the Early Caddoan andlor Transitional Early to Late Caddoan periods, and fairly intensive use of one portion of the site for a limited range of activities during the Early Caddoan and/or Transitional Early to Late Caddoan periods. The historic component represents one or more occupations dating to the mid to late nineteenth century and appears not to relate to Fort Sherman. Questions concerning the location of Fort Sherman have not been resolved although it seems certain that the fort was located somewhere in the vicinity of the proposed Lake Bob Sandlin State Park.
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