"Hayley Breshears Senior Interior Design Exhibit 2017" by Hayley Breshears
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Midway through my college career, I began working as an assistant to an Independent Living Specialist. He is very active in assisting disabled individuals find and receive the resources they need to live independently. He had me drawing floor plans to show his disabled clients how to follow the concept of "Aging in Place." The concept basically means that a home should function for the length of a life, childhood to old age. By incorporating simple elements such as 3-foot doors, walls enforced for handrails, and at least one entrance without a step you can eliminate some people's need for a nursing home later in life. As time went on and I met more and more people spending thousands of dollars renovating their homes for newly injured loved ones, I found accessible design to be a passion of mine and I hope to incorporate it in everything I do.


Hi! I'm Hayley Breshears and I'm a senior Interior Design student here at SFA. I will be graduating August 2017, after which I will be pursuing a career in High-End Residential design.

Music: "Persona migliore" by Pira666 From the Free Music Archive CC BY NC SA



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