Honors Student Success Seminar | School of Honors | Stephen F. Austin State University

There is no question that undergraduate research is correlated with greater success in higher education. SFA supports integrating undergraduate research into our curriculum. Specifically, the School of Honors introduces first-year students to undergraduate research through our different Honors courses. One prime example is the work done by our students in this year’s Honors section of SFAS 1101: Student Success Seminar. In a short three-week period, students were broken into groups, assigned to examine the impact of COVID-19 on a cross national/local level, and produce a video presentation of their findings. These videos are the outcome of their hard work. It is our hope that by encouraging such work at this early point in their academic career, students will continue to find value in undergraduate research and participate in the their individual college sponsored symposia as well as the annual University-wide Undergraduate Research Conference.


Submissions from 2020


Covid-19 and Faith, Liam Abney, Callie Neumann, Madalyn Botello, and Daniel Neff


COVID-19 and Small Town America, Rae Bynum, Noah Bowman, Chloe Carlson, and Ryan Shaver


Covid-19 and its Effects on Education, Kathryn Elsing, Megan Bynum, Jaime Johnston, and Alex Hanks


Small Businesses and Covid-19, Teagan Wertman, Jennifer Burmaster, Faie Buschardt, and David Hanes