Project Folklórico is a collection that captures and promotes the research and work of Professor Emeritus Elizabeth Rhodes, who has taught dance in Latin America, Spain, Portugal, and across the United States. Rhodes has been awarded two senior scholar Fulbright grants to Panama and Bolivia where she taught and choreographed for the national ballet company while conducting research on traditional cultural dances.
The Collection
Within this collection are found video, audio and textual resources that are directly or indirectly related to Rhodes' work with dance movement in Latin America. Visual resources capture live dances that took place in Panama and other locations. The text-based resources included in this collection contain information on scholarships and grants that Professor Rhodes received and also research and work related to Latin American dance.
Covering dance performances of various styles in multiple locations, the materials in this section are displayed via streaming video. The recorded performances are divided into two main areas, Bolivia and Panama.
The presentations, articles and research of Professor Rhodes serves as a compliment to the visual resources.
Elizabeth Rhodes (CV)
Elizabeth Rhodes is a three-time Fulbright award recipient to Panama, Bolivia, and France. She has served on the Dance peer review committee for the Council on International Exchange of Scholars and has presented numerous papers and workshops at conferences hosted by the Congress on Research in Dance, the National Dance Education Association, and the National Dance Association, among others. Recognitions include being named the 2000 College/University Dance Educator of the Year by the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance/Southern District, a 2004 Honor Award recipient by the Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, and the 2010 Teaching Excellence Award recipient for the Department of Kinesiology & Health Science at her home institution. Her research interests include folkloric dance and jazz dance, and she has been awarded four Faculty Research Grants to study these dance forms. Prior to her career as a university dance educator, she performed on Broadway and in international tours. Since 1991, she has resided in Texas where she co-directs the Dance Program at Stephen F. Austin State University (SFA). Rhodes received Emeritus status from SFA in 2016