"Airiños: For Orchestra and Two-Part Women's Choir, and a Biography of " by Scott T. Stobbe

Date of Award

Spring 5-2017

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Music


School of Music

First Advisor

Stephen Lias

Second Advisor

Jamie Weaver

Third Advisor

Juan C. Urena

Fourth Advisor

Tod W. Fish



Spanish poet Rosalía de Castro was a central figure in the Galician

cultural and literary revival of the mid nineteenth-century. One of her most

significant books is Cantares Gallegos, a book of poems written in Galician that

serves as an homage to the language, culture, customs and countryside of

Galicia. The text for the musical portion of this document, a work for orchestra

with extended percussion and two-part women’s choir entitled Airiños, comes

from Castro’s poem Airiños, airiños, aires which was featured in Cantares

Gallegos. To gain a deeper understanding of the author’s importance and

influence in Galicia and beyond, an overview of her upbringing and professional

life is provided in Chapter One. Chapter Two consists of an English translation of

the poem from which the text of Airiños originates, as well as the historical

background and significance of the poem in question. Chapter Three is a score

of Airiños, and chapter Four is a structural analysis of Airiños.

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