Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy - School Psychology
Human Services
First Advisor
Ginger Kelso
Second Advisor
LeAnn Solmonson
Third Advisor
Alan Larson
Fourth Advisor
Glen McCuller
Fifth Advisor
Sylvia Middlebrook
This dissertation examines the predictive value of Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) scores and undergraduate grade point average (UGPA) upon students’ success in a counselor education graduate program. Graduate programs must weigh the benefits of various entrance criteria to predict successful completion. Data for the study consisted of 233 students who had been admitted to a graduate program, and had either successfully completed the program through graduation or had been unable to graduate through personal attrition or removal by the faculty. The relationships between the independent variables and the dependent variable of program graduation were analyzed using correlations and models of logistic regression. There were no statistically significant correlations or predictive relationships between GRE scores and UGPA upon a student in this specific population graduating from the graduate program.
Repository Citation
MCADAMS, RANLEIGH J., "Predicting Success in a Counselor Education Graduate Program" (2017). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 77.
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