"Uncovering Meaning in Montessori Teachers’ Lived Experiences of Cosm" by John Allen Branch

Date of Award

Spring 5-13-2017

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Secondary Education and Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Patrick M. Jenlink

Second Advisor

Karen Embry Jenlink

Third Advisor

Brandon Fox


This inquiry focused on the lived experiences of Montessori teachers in implementing Montessori’s Cosmic Education as a tool for social justice in their classrooms in order to more fully understand Cosmic Education’s meaning, purpose, and practice. The researcher also sought to understand how Cosmic Education could be an effective pedagogy of place, providing historical and social contexts in which students may develop and grow. The study used a post-intentional phenomenological design (Vagle, 2014), and was based on a series of interviews with five Montessori teachers from different classroom age levels. The data were analyzed using poetic inquiry through the form of found poetry. Emerging themes of Cosmic Education as a pedagogy of place and how that pedagogy of place contributed to agency in social justice were identified.

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