Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts - English



First Advisor

Dr. Sue Whatley

Second Advisor

Dr. Michael Martin

Third Advisor

Dr. John McDermott

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Anne Smith


Flannery O’Connor’s 1952 novel, Wise Blood, is a frequently misunderstood classic. While O’Connor is very rarely associated with reader response theory, its framework offers a way to more fully appreciate O’Connor as an author and Wise Blood as a novel while addressing aspects of critics’ confusion. The objective of this study is to consider a previously under-researched area of O’Connor scholarship while offering greater clarity to Wise Blood. By considering O’Connor’s personal nonfiction writing and the text of her first novel through the lens of reader response scholars such as Wolfgang Iser, this study offers a call towards viewing the works of O’Connor through a greater methodology.

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