Date of Award

Spring 5-6-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science - Mathematical Sciences


Mathematics and Statistics

First Advisor

Jane Long, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Clint Richardson, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Brittney Falahola, Ph.D.

Fourth Advisor

Alyx Frantzen, Ph.D.


In this work, we discuss properties of the 3-rung Möbius ladder embedded on the surface of a torus. We present proofs on restrictions of topological symmetry groups of the Möbius ladder with and without the assumption of preserving orientation. Specifically, we show that Z2 is the only possible non-trivial orientation-preserving topological symmetry groups, and also that Z2 and D2 are the only possible nontrivial topological symmetry groups.

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