"Influence of Kaempferol on Noncanonical DNA Structures and Protein Agg" by Justin Lovett

Date of Award

Summer 8-5-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science - Natural Sciences


Chemistry and Biochemistry

First Advisor

Bidisha Sengupta, Ph.D. (Thesis Director)

Second Advisor

Odutayo Odunuga, Ph.D. (Committee Member)

Third Advisor

Darrell Fry, Ph.D. (Committee Member)

Fourth Advisor

Robert Friedfeld, Ph.D. (Committee Member)


Therapeutic potentials of phytochemicals have attracted much attention in medicinal chemistry. Kaempferol (KMP) is a naturally occurring plant flavonoid found in leafy greens such as watercress, kale, and broccoli. Interestingly, KMP has been shown to exhibit anticancer properties by interfering with various cell signaling pathways. Moreover, KMP has been shown to exhibit neuroprotective properties and reduce damage from oxidative stress. It is known that single and double stranded nucleic acid structures can serve as receptors for flavonoids. Noncanonical DNA motifs (such as C4 and G4 tetraplexes) are commonly found in human telomeres and protooncogenes, which can serve as potential targets to treat cancer. Therefore, since KMP has been implicated in crossing the nuclear membrane as well as the blood brain barrier it is of interest to investigate for future natural product therapeutics. The current study found that KMP was able to effectively bind to G4 and C4 structures as well as delay the formation of b-sheet in amyloid-beta peptide (Ab) further eluding to the potential of KMP as a possible natural therapeutic drug.

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Available for download on Sunday, August 09, 2026



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