"PARLANCE" by Carolyn McIntyre Norton

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts



First Advisor

Neal Cox

Second Advisor

David Lewis

Third Advisor

Candace Hicks

Fourth Advisor

Michael Maurer


The richly-colored screenprints displayed in Parlance are explorations into sound-inspired imagery created through the blending of two divergent approaches: 1) drawing made by meditative inspiration and 2) printing driven by the execution of a predetermined plan.

Considered representationally, each print is a chorus of layered interpretive drawings of natural sound. My intent is to bring into view ethereal concepts through responsive mark making.

Considered technically, the printing process employs a predetermined set of formulas that produce a mathematically-finite set of prints. This systemized method causes common visual elements to disperse among the prints, resulting in a set of uniquely layered prints that share common elements. My aim for viewers interested in solving the logic of the set is for them to experience ideas about interconnectivity.


This set of screen prints builds on Sol LeWitt’s definition of Conceptual Art and the expressive image making of Wassily Kandinsky, Julie Mehretu, Robert Motherwell, and Mark Tobey.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

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Printmaking Commons



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