Date of Award

Fall 8-1978

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Forestry (MF)




Zinc concentrations in the root, terminal growth, stem, and needles of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) were measured in 72 seedlings grown in washed sand, fertilized with Zn(N03)2. Zinc treatment periods were early spring, late spring, and summer. Zinc uptake was the greatest in early spring. Zinc nitrate fertilizer and remaining soil zinc at treatments end had no effect on mycorrhizae, height, or diameter growth. Linear and multiple regressions were derived using residual soil zinc and treatment zinc that can predict zinc concentrations in different plant parts that have r values from .7440 to .8170. Linear regressions for the prediction of zinc concentrations in different plant parts from leaf zinc concentration have r values from .7694 to .9146.



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