"Implicit Memory and Online Advertisement Priming" by Matthew L. Custard

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts - Psychology



First Advisor

Dr. Scott Drury

Second Advisor

Dr. Steven Estrada

Third Advisor

Dr. Nathan Sparkman

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Chrissy Cross


Implicit Memory research has been investigating the attentional requirements needed for something to be encoded and accessible through implicit memory. So far, previous research has produced mixed results on attentional requirements for perceptual implicit memory, some studies citing evidence for the need of attention, others citing the opposite. As well, research has been consistent in producing results showing that conceptual implicit memory has higher attentional demands than that of its perceptual counterpart. Adopting Transfer-Appropriate Processing framework, the current paper investigates attention requirements for both a perceptual task (picture identification) and a conceptual task (category exemplar generation). Participants examine webpages with advertisements embedded in both an ad-engaged and webpage-engaged condition manipulation. Study 1 had participants perform speeded picture identification, whereas Study 2 had them perform a category exemplar generation task. Results were consistent with TAP framework and showed that, when not accounting for explicit contamination, the perceptual task did not significantly differ between conditional manipulations, whereas the conceptual task produced results highlighting the need for attention and deeper levels of encoding for conceptual implicit memory to be activated.

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