Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science - Environmental Sciences


Environmental Science

First Advisor

Dr. Daniel Unger

Second Advisor

Dr. Kenneth Farrish

Third Advisor

Dr. I-Kuai Hung

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Christopher Sams

Fifth Advisor

Dr. Kevin Stafford


Digital remote sensing and geographic information systems were employed in performing area and volume calculations on glacial landscapes. Characteristics of glaciers from two geographic regions, the Intermountain Region (between the Rocky Mountain and Cascade Ranges) and the Pacific Northwest, were estimated for the years 1985, 2000, and 2015. Glacier National Park was studied for the Intermountain Region whereas Mount Rainier National Park was representative of the glaciers in the Pacific Northwest. Within the thirty year period of the study, the glaciers in Glacier National Park decreased in area by 27.5 percent while those on Mount Rainier only decreased by 5.7 percent. The differences in these percentages can be attributed to the warmer temperatures of the Intermountain Region coupled with lower amounts of snowfall when compared to the Pacific Northwest. Volume loss calculations were also performed, but digital remote sensing and GIS were less successful at estimating this glacial parameter.

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