Date of Award

Spring 5-9-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts - English



First Advisor

Dr. John McDermott

Second Advisor

Dr. Kevin West

Third Advisor

Dr. Jessica Sams

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Michael J Martin



Rachel Allison Bollinger: Salt in the Deep Marine

(Under the direction of Dr. Christine Butterworth-McDermott and Dr. John McDermott)

The surface tension present between liquid and air is due to the fact that liquid molecules are highly attractive to one another. Because of this, the surface of water acts like an elastic membrane, allowing human hands or light insects to sit or slide on its surface. For a moment or two, the hand or the insect seems to occupy both the water and the air simultaneously. This commonplace phenomenon is explored in the poetry collection, Salt in the Deep Marine, as representative of the tension between the physical and the spiritual. The physical world has always been mined to describe and punctuate the spiritual world people find themselves drawn to. In this collection, the lines between the two worlds are blurred and warped in an attempt to record the moments when they cease to be distinct, when instead they are unified through a single life.

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