"Two Year Survival and Growth of Loblolly Pine Seedlings from Two Texas" by Gerald Allen Wood

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Forestry (MF)




Loblolly pine seedlings from Lost Pines (drought-hardy) and East Texas (regular) seed sources were planted in lignite minesoils in Panola County, Texas. Heights, root-collar diameters, and survival were monitored for two years. Treatments included application of Pisolithus tinctorius basidiospores immediately after planting and use of acephate for tip moth control during the second growing season. Standard foliar analyses were conducted at the end of the second growing season. East Texas seedlings grew more in height and root-collar diameter, and had higher survival percentages than Lost Pines. No growth response from treatment with P. tinctorius was observed. Treatment with acephate resulted in 62 percent more height growth and 24 percent more diameter growth. Variations in growth or survival were not reflected in foliar nutrient content.



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