"Self-Regulation Abilities of Low-Income Mothers in Community Based, Ex" by Alyssa Abreu

Date of Award

Summer 8-15-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science - Kinesiology


Kinesiology and Health Science

First Advisor

Dr. Eric Jones

Second Advisor

Dr. Mark Faries

Third Advisor

Dr. Dustin Joubert

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Emmerentie Oliphant


Diet is strongly associated with many risk factors for chronic disease. Educational programs such as the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) are designed to improve dietary behaviors among low-income populations. Although EFNEP has seen improvements, they are not yet up to recommendations. Previous studies have been successful in eliciting behavior change when improving self-regulation in conjunction with dietary education. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine self-regulation in EFNEP participants and its relationship to participants change in dietary behavior. All participants were currently enrolled in an EFNEP program and were asked to complete an additional self-regulation survey. This survey included five questions, which were averaged to assess overall self-regulation capacity on the first and last day of the program. On average, the participants started and ended with low self-regulation capacity. There was also minimal change in dietary behaviors, similar to previous studies. From these results, we can conclude that providing training in self-regulation may be necessary to improve the particpiants' dietary behaviors.

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