"Novel Relative Spontaneous Ignition Temperature Determination Using Ca" by Antonio David Trevino

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Natural Science


College of Science and Mathematics

First Advisor

Dr. Alyx S. Frantzen

Second Advisor

Dr. Brian Barngrover

Third Advisor

Dr. Brian P. Oswald

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Matibur Zamadar


Simultaneous thermal analysis, coupled with infrared spectroscopy (STA/IR), was utilized to monitor the evolution of gaseous products during the thermal degradation of samples from Triadica sebifera (Chinese tallow), Ligustrum sinense (Chinese privet), and Ilex vomitoria (yaupon) plants. Identification of carbon dioxide was successful with a spectral match of 90.2 percent and further used in the determination of relative spontaneous ignition temperature, or RSIT. The RSIT value during the growing season for Chinese tallow, Chinese tallow stem, Chinese privet, and Yaupon were 208.4°C, 250.3°C, 210.1°C, and 232.3°C respectively. During the dormant seasons, the values for Chinese tallow stem, Chinese privet, and yaupon were 227.4°C, 211.8°C, and 237.8°C respectively. The most ignitable plant samples were determined to be Chinese tallow stem, yaupon leaves, Chinese privet leaves, and the least ignitable was Chinese tallow leaves during the growing season. The dormant season samples ignitability rankings were as follows; yaupon, Chinese tallow stem, and Chinese privet leaves. Although other peaks were present in the IR spectra obtained from the samples, the identification of peaks other than carbon dioxide was unsuccessful due to low signal to noise ratios.

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