"Exploring Scholar--Practitioner Leadership: Superintendents' Applicati" by Michael D. Jones 6674845

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Secondary Education and Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Karen Embry Jenlink

Second Advisor

Dr. Patrick M. Jenlink

Third Advisor

Dr. Claudia Whitley



This qualitative study was designed to investigate the methods of practice employed by Texas school superintendents who have completed a doctoral program centered on scholar–practitioner leadership. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe how serving superintendents apply their prior learning and knowledge to the articulation and translation of their district’s mission/vision. The study described how six serving superintendents translate theory to practice by inquiring how each participant articulates the district’s mission/vision. Through the analysis of face-to-face interviews, phone conversations, emails, and informal observations recorded in a researcher’s journal, four common elements of scholar–practitioner leadership practice were identified by the researcher. The four common elements of practice were: ensuring the district’s vision, mission, core values, guiding statements, and strategic plan is aligned from top to bottom throughout the district; creating trust and vision alignment with the school board; leadership team relationships and modeling; and inviting community input and creating partnerships. In addition, four common themes emerged as to how scholar–practitioner leaders apply theory to practice The four emergent themes were: creating programs and practices which support student success; reimagining roles and responsibilities across the educational system; change, inquiry, and research as a part of practice; and defining readiness.

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