Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts - School Psychology


Human Services

First Advisor

Ginger Kelso

Second Advisor

Luis Agueverre

Third Advisor

Nina Ellis-Hervey

Fourth Advisor

Brandon Fox



Learning disability mircroaggressions refer to the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights and mistreatment which convey a derogatory feeling or message to individuals with a learning disability across various settings. Learning disability microaggressions may contribute significantly to the negative aspects of mental health issues often perceived in individuals with learning disabilities. The purpose of this study was to develop a microaggression scale designed to assess microaggressions displayed towards individuals with learning disabilities (LD) within the academic setting. A scale designed to assess LD microaggressions was constructed and modeled after the Racial Microaggression Scale (RMAS). A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to investigate the structure and varying dimensions of the scale. The internal reliability and convergent validity of the scale were also examined. Results indicated that the Learning Disability Microaggression Scale (LDMS) is a multidimensional tool to assess microaggressions displayed towards individuals with learning disabilities (LD) within the academic setting.

Keywords: LD, microaggression, REMS, RMAS, MEIM-R

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