"Evaluation of Genetic Diversity and Stability of Colocasia Cultivars U" by seukmin hong

Date of Award

Fall 12-15-2017

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science - Agriculture



First Advisor

Dr.Jared Barnes

Second Advisor

Dr.Bea Clack

Third Advisor

Dr.Yuhui Weng


Using 44 ornamental Colocasia cultivars planted at Stephen F. Austin State University (Nacogdoches, TX), cultivar assessment, genetic diversity, stability, and relationship were examined with banding patterns produced from Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Comparing banding patterns of vegetatively propagated clones of each cultivar, genetic stability was examined. Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) and principal coordinate analysis (PCO) were performed to examine genetic relationship that can explain a need for the new classification Colocasia gigantea and recent movement of re-classifying Colocasia antiquorum. Average Shannon’s diversity index for all loci was found to quantify genetic diversity. The genetic stability analysis confirmed all 44 cultivars commonly found in market have identical genetic characteristics. The genetic relationship analysis supports the new classification of Colocasia antiquorum but does not strongly support the need for re-classification of Colocasia gigantea based on our results. Shannon’s diversity index suggested that 44 ornamental Colocasia cultivars have high gene pool.

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