"Strength Properties of Juvenile and Mature Wood of Twelve Families of " by Elizabeth Lynn Forbes

Date of Award

Spring 1999

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Forestry (MF)




The wood mechanical properties of progeny from twelve open-pollinated parent trees were examined. Six families were from parents which had high wood specific gravity and six were from parents which had low wood specific gravity. Thirty-two-year-old trees, that had been planted at Many, Louisiana, were sampled and juvenile and mature wood test specimens were prepared. Maximum crushing strength, modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity and wood specific gravity were determined from compression parallel to the grain tests and static bending tests. Maximum crushing strength, modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, and specific gravity were found to vary significantly between family and between wood-type juvenile or mature specimens. The family by wood-type interaction was found to be not significant for all of the four wood properties measured. The six highest total tree means for modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity were for the six families that came from parents having high specific gravity. For both maximum crushing strength and wood specific gravity, only one of the six highest total tree means was from a family having a low specific gravity parent.



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