SFA ScholarWorks - Diversity Conference: You Talk So...



You Talk So...


The way you speak is influenced by environmental and socioeconomic factors. Within a community, individuals are likely to share a similar dialect, however, it is very common for there to be different styles of the same dialect. In this session, we will discuss the diversity of speech. This session will inform the audience of various dialects and the impact of speech on society. Discussion and activity will illustrate dialects and their range across the country.

Time Frame of Presentation

50 minutes


x. Other:

Session format (lecture, roundtable, or other)



Students, Faculty, Community

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Feb 7th, 3:00 PM Feb 7th, 3:50 PM

You Talk So...

The way you speak is influenced by environmental and socioeconomic factors. Within a community, individuals are likely to share a similar dialect, however, it is very common for there to be different styles of the same dialect. In this session, we will discuss the diversity of speech. This session will inform the audience of various dialects and the impact of speech on society. Discussion and activity will illustrate dialects and their range across the country.