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The East Texas Radiocarbon Database contributes to an analysis of tempo and place for Woodland era (ca. 500 B.C. - A.D. 800) archaeological sites within the region. The temporal and spatial distributions of calibrated radiocarbon (14C) ages (n=127) with a standard deviation (ΔT) of 61 from archaeological sites with Woodland components (n=51) are useful in exploring the development and geographical continuity of the peoples in East Texas, and lead to a refinement of our current chronological understanding of the period. While the analysis of the dates produces less than significant findings due to sample size, they are used here to illustrate the method of date combination prior to the production of site and period-specific summed probability distributions. Through the incorporation of this method, the number of 14C dates is reduced to 85 with a ΔT of 54. The resultant data set is then subjected to statistical analyses which conclude with the separation of the East Texas Woodland period into the Early Woodland (ca. 500 B.C. – A.D. 0), MiddleWoodland (ca. A.D. 0-400), and LateWoodland (ca. A.D. 400-800) periods.
Repository Citation
Selden, Robert Z. Jr. and Perttula, Timothy K., "Toward a Regional Radiocarbon Model for the East Texas Woodland Period" (2012). CRHR: Archaeology. 6.
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Applied Statistics Commons, Archaeological Anthropology Commons, Physical Chemistry Commons, Probability Commons, Radiochemistry Commons
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