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This article represents supplementary data (see Selden and Perttula 2013) highlighting the specifics of date combination and the subsequent production of summed probability distribution samples for Caddo sites in East Texas. All radiocarbon (14C ) dates employed in this effort were collected from research and cultural resource management (CRM) reports and publications, synthesized, then recalibrated in version 4.1.7 of OxCal (Bronk Ramsey 2012) using IntCal09 (Reimer et al. 2009) (Perttula and Selden 2011).
Repository Citation
Selden, Robert Z. Jr. and Perttula, Timothy K., "Temporal Dynamics of East Texas Caddo Sites with 10 or More Radiocarbon Dates" (2013). CRHR: Archaeology. 49.