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In this poster, we discuss a new approach to the identification and definition of spatial trends in archeologically-recovered ceramics associated with geochemical results produced using instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Using all of the Ripley Engraved INAA samples, we posit that clays in the Claiborne and Wilcox Groups can be successfully demarcated by sodium (Na), cerium (Ce), and zinc (Zn). Using a subset of those data from the Big Cypress Creek basin, we find that ceramics manufactured in three different Caddo political communities can be successfully demarcated based upon differential concentrations of arsenic (As), iron (Fe), and vanadium (V) found in the ceramic paste of Ripley Engraved sherds. With the larger dataset, we then identify six spatial trends associated with the geochemistry of Ripley Engraved Caddo ceramics.
Repository Citation
Selden, Robert Z. Jr. and Perttula, Timothy K., "At the Confluence of GIS and Geochemistry: Identifying Geochemical Correlates of Ripley Engraved Caddo Ceramics" (2014). CRHR: Archaeology. 16.