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Producing ‘Society-ready’ Foresters:
A Research-based Process to Revise the Bachelor of Science in Forestry Curriculum at Stephen F. Austin State University
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Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture • Stephen F. Austin State University
Nacogdoches, TX
forestry curriculum, higher education, Stephen F. Austin State University
Forest Sciences | Other Forestry and Forest Sciences
Repository Citation
Bullard, Steven H.; Coble, Dean W.; Coble, Theresa; Darville, Ray; Rogers, Laurie; and Williams, Pat Stephens, "ATCOFA Monograph 1-2014" (2014). ATCOFA Monograph Series. 1.
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To produce society-ready foresters, we know that the Bachelor of Science in Forestry curricula must continue to be rigorous, but we also know that rigor isn’t sufficient. Rigor has to be carefully combined with relevance, yet what are the knowledge areas, skill sets, abilities, and behaviors that are most relevant and that should be emphasized in a 21st century forestry curriculum? To address this key question, we used a research-based process to inform decisions and actions to revise the BSF curriculum at SFASU in 2012-2013. This monograph shares our curriculum revision and research processes, our research results, and both general and specific curriculum revisions we are submitting for approval and implementation