Content Posted in 2025
2013 Global Sport Business Association Conference Abstracts, GSBJ
2014 GSBA Conference Abstracts, GSBA
2015 GSBA Conference Abstracts, GSBA
2016 GSBA Conference Abstracts, GSBA
2017 GSBA Conference Abstracts, GSBA
21st Century Community Learning Centers: Program Evaluation Evidence from Texas, Rosilyn Jackson
Academic to Consultant: A Pilot Study on Sport Marketing Research, Windy Dees, Warren Whisenant, and Brenda Pitts
A Case Study of Self-representation on Twitter: A Gender Analysis of How Student-athletes Portray Themselves, Bo Li, Sarah Stokowski, Stephen W. Dittmore, John R. Malmo, and David T. Rolfe
A Concern for the Future of Sport Managemet: Female Students' Perceptions Toward Their Sport Management Degree, Kristin Fowler Harris, Heidi Grappendorf, Cynthia M. Veraldo, and Thomas J. Aicher
A Delphi Method Analysis of Management Strategies for Taekwondo Centers in the United States, Jinsun Han, Sungick Min, Jaeyeon Hwang, Penny Dalton Hite, and Wonyul Bae
A Method of Measuring the Value of Minor League Sports to a Community: An Illustration of the Application of Economic Impact Ananlyses, Dennis H. Tootelian and Audrey G. Mikhailitchenko
A molecular chemodosimeter to probe “closed shell” ions in kidney cells, RASHID MIA, Karl J. Wallace, Anine Assel, and Meagan M. Stanly
Analysis of Fan Motivation Factors In A Summer Collegiate Baseball League, Susan Wallrich, Katelyn Romsa, Jon Lim, Thomas Orr, and Bryan Romsa
A new approach: Measuring athlete brand personality on Twitter, Matthew Blaszka, Patrick Walsh, Galen Clavio, and Antonio Williams
An Investigation of the Impact of Team Jersey Sponsorship: Examining the Moderating Role of Team Identification on Brand Attitude and Buying Intention, Youngmin Ik Suh, Zack Pedersen, Sanhak Lee, Antonio S. Williams, and Paul M. Pedersen
A Pareto Principle Analysis of the NBA: How Production Distribution Affects Team Success, Cole Berner, Joshua M. Lupinek, Jim Arkell, and Margaret Keiper
A proposal for a rating system for sport management / sport administration programs, Susan Mullane and Michael Fraina
Are sport management faculty biased? An examination of faculty perceptions of male and female students’ applications for a job in sport, Heidi Grappendorf and Laura Burton
Assessing the Effect of Family Structure on Perceptions of Fan-Family Conflict, Jason M. Simmons, T. Christopher Greenwell, and Thomas J. Aicher
A Year from Now: A Behind-the-Scenes Documentary, Calvin Henson Jr
Battle of the Sexes: Gender Analysis of Professional Athlete Tweets, Lauren M. Burch, Galen Clavio, Andrea N. Eagleman, Evan L. Frederick, and Matthew Blaszka
Brand Management in a Niche Sport: A Case Study of An LPGA Golfer's Use of Instagram, Melissa Davies and Michael Mudrick
Camping for the Need of Speed: An Analysis of the Motives of NASCAR Fanatics to RV Camp at Racing Events, Dylan P. Williams, Cheryl R. Rode, and Mark A. Slavich
Career Goals and Expectations of Female Intercollegiate Athletic Administrators, Meg G. Hancock and Mary A. Hums
Comparative Analysis of Female and Male Coverage on ESPN’s SportsCenter, Tywan G. Martin, Young Ik Suh, Antonio S. Williams, Jennifer Locey, and Jennifer Ramirez
Corporate Social Marketing: An Analysis of Consumer Response to Nike’s Campaign Featuring Colin Kaepernick, Sarah M. Brown, Natasha T. Brison, and Gregg Bennett
Creating Value at a Free Sporting Event: More Than Price, Todd Hall and Charles Jones
Different Activity, Same Story: Women’s Perceptions of Why Fantasy Sport is Male Dominated, Heidi Grappendorf and Brody Ruihley
Divisive School Imagery in the Heartland, Lee
Do Athletic Department Mission Statements Influence Employees’ Perceptions of Psychological Contract Fulfillment?, Christopher R. Barnhill and Lauren Brown
Effects of Benefits Derived from Campus Recreation on Emotional Attachment towards the University, Gi-Yong Koo, Anthony Dixon, Sara Shoffner, Tucker Rainey, and Junmo Sung
Elution Profiles of Eleven PAHs from a C-18 Chromatographic Column by using a HPLC-DAD Method, Kefa Karimu Onchoke, Saad N. Chaudhry, and Madilyn Dewell
Entrepreneurship and Competitive Dog Sports, Brenda A. Riemer, Erica J. Zonder, and Jeanne L. Thomas
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Corporate Sponsorships at a Minor League Baseball Park, Christopher L. Moore, Andrew J. Mowen, and Benjamin D. Hickerson
Examining Consumer Response to Sport Sponsorship: A Case Study Among Fans of a Group of 5 Division I Programs, J. Michael Martinez, Anthony W. Dixon, and Riley Montgomery
Examining Sport Advertisements: The Effect of Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) Messages and Endorsements, Antonio S. Williams, Dae Yeon Kim, and Alexandria Pantaleoni
Exercising inclusion: A case study exploring a fitness center staff's approach toward serving clients with disabilities, Joshua R. Pate and Julie Wallace Carr
Exploring Out-of-Market Fans In An NFL Fan Club, Peyton J. Stensland, Zach Scola, and Brian S. Gordon
Exploring the Relationship between Student-Athletes, Occupational Engagement, and Vocational Identity, Lacole McPherson
Face-ism in Sport Communication: Examining Professional Athletes’ Twitter Profile Photographs, Ju Young Lee and Paul M. Pedersen
Female Sport Leaders’ Perceptions of Leadership and Management: Skills and Attitudes for Success, Margaret Lovelin and Maylon Hanold
Football Bowl Subdivision Head Football Coaches’ Contracts: An Analysis of Contractual Clauses in Intercollegiate Athletics, R. Christopher Reynolds and Paul M. Pedersen
Generation Multitasker: How Millennials use second screens while watching televised sport, Ryan Vooris, Kerry Fischer, Chase M. L. Smith, and Rebecca M. Achen
Hit-and-Runs: A Memoir, Alison Cope
Increasing response rate with sport volunteer studies: A social exchange theory approach, Chrysostomos Giannaoulakis, Elizabeth Wanless, and Shea Brgoch
Influence of perlite/biosolid composition on growth and uptake of Cd and Mn by radish (Raphanus sativus L.) under greenhouse conditions, Kefa Karimu Onchoke and Oluwadamilola O. Fateru
Influence of perlite/biosolid composition on growth and uptake of Cd and Mn by radish (Raphanus sativus L.) under greenhouse conditions, Kefa Karimu Onchoke and Oluwadamilola o. Fateru
Influence of Volunteer Motivations on Satisfaction for Undergraduate Sport Management Students, David Pierce, James Johnson, Nathan Felver, Elizabeth Wanless, and Lawrence Judge
Institutional Logic Multiplicity Among NCAA Division I Student Athletes and Their Respective Institutions, Jay Martyn, Peyton J. Stensland, Dominique C. Kropp, Brent D. Oja, and Jordan R. Bass
Introducing Immersion Techniques to Shift Augmentative and Alternative Communication Uses: A Brief Report, Lisa Taylor Cook and Deann O'Lenick
I Want To vs. I Can't: A Case Study On Motives And Constraints For Chinese College Students Attending Or Media Viewing The 2018 Winter Olympics, Jeeyoon Kim and Haozhou Pu
Korean Sport Consumers’ Perceptions of Sports in the United States, B.J. Ruihley, K. Yu, and Robin Hardin
Likes, Comments, and Shares: A Multivariate Multilevel Analysis of Facebook Engagement, Rebecca M. Achen
Making Old Cool: An Examination of Retro Branding in Sport, Olzhas Taniyev and Brian S. Gordon
March Sadness: A content analysis of Division I men's and women's basketball athletes' Instagram posts following the cancellation of the NCAA basketball tournament, Amanda L. Paule-Koba, Sarah Stokowski, Chelsea Kaunert, and Alison Fridley
Measuring the Connection Between College Basketball Fans and League Sponsors, Nels Popp, Chad McEvoy, and Liz Sattler
Not for Long: A Case Study of a Professional Athlete Who Fell from Riches to Rags, Grace Allen, Patrick Payne, and AJ Grube
Not Your Typical Fan: A Phenomenological Study on Booster Club Membership for a Men’s Division I College Tennis Program, Alison Fridley, Erin Popejoy, Charles A. Ball, and Sarah Stokowski
Older Adults’ Health, Ethnicity, and Daily Life, Hyunsook Kang and Mihae Bae
Organizational Readiness as a Predictor of Successful Trauma-Informed Change within Child Welfare Agencies, Jennette Allen-McCombs
Organizational Representation through Twitter: An Examination of the WNBA, Megan B. Shreffler, Meg G. Hancock, and Samuel Schmidt
Profiling the Sports Blogosphere, Charlotte Allen and Jason D. Reese
Purchase motivations of premium seating buyers within college athletics, Nels Popp, Allie Macaione, and Erianne Weight
Relationship Marketing in United States Professional Sport: Attitudes, Opinions, and Viewpoints of Sport Professionals, Rebecca M. Achen
Required Donations: An Empirical Test of Prospect Theory & Framing of Per-Seat Contributions in Intercollegiate Athletics, Jason D. Reese, Brandon Brown, and Gregg Bennett
Scholarly Thrusts in the Journal of Sport Management: Citation Analysis, Amy Chan Hyung Kim, Packianathan Chelladurai, and Yu Kyoum Kim
Secondary Stage Students' Perceptions Regarding (MySchool) Learning Management System's Role in Learning English, Huda Ali Sallam
#SelfPromote: A Case Study Analyzing Promotion on NBC’s Official 2016 Olympic Instagram Account, Kevin Hull, Miles Romney, Ann Pegoraro, and Matt Stillwell
Service Quality within Officially Licensed University Retail Outlets, Michelle Childs, Robin Hardin, Gi-Yong Koo, and Kwangho Park
Simultaneous Quantification of Carbaryl, Chlorpyrifos, and Paraquat in a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant by SPE-RP-HPLC-PDA-FD Method, Kefa K. Onchoke, Joshua S. Hamilton, Anthony M. Broom, and Gary Lopez
So where do you work now?: Examining the factors that influence career choices of sport management graduates, Matthew J. Garrett and David A. Pierce
Speech and Language Assessment Practices for Bilingual Children in the School Setting: Where do we go from here?, Seijra Toogood and Raul Prezas
Sport team mascots as communication tools: Determinants of mascot Twitter followers, Youngmin Yoon, Shintaro Sato, Andrew Goldsmith, and Yosuke Tsuji
The Effects of Gender on Perceptions of Team Twitter Feeds, Galen Clavio, Patrick Walsh, and Pat Coyle
The Efficacy of an In-Vivo Chaining Procedure Compared to POV-VM Chaining Procedure to Teach a Task to Children with Autism, Elaine Turner and Ginger Kelso
The Impact of a Democratic Leadership Style on Employee Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty at a Midsized Nonprofit Sport and Recreation Center, John Vincent and Michael Baptiste
The Impact of Control Mechanism and Video Game Playing Experience on Brand Awareness and Consumer Brand Loyalty in Sport Video Games, Eric A. Brownlee, Megan B. Shreffler, and Clinton Warren
The Impact of Need for Uniqueness, Loyalty Proneness, and Identification on the Likelihood of Brand Extension Purchases, Stephen Ross, Patrick Walsh, and Megan B. Shreffler
The Implementation of Customer Relationship Management Technology in an Undergraduate Sales Class, Michael Smucker
The Public vs. Private Debate: A Case Study of Indiana Interscholastic Sport and the Tournament Success Factor, James E. Johnson, David A. Pierce, Daniel R. Tracy, and Gabriel J. Haworth
The Relationship Between Perceived Event Service Quality and Direct Spending by Marathon Participants, Robert Case, Tanujit Dey, Christian Boughner, Greg Dowd, and Bryan Smith
The RV Tailgater: A Unique Subculture of College Football Fans in the United States, Cheryl R. Rode and Robin Hardin
The Typology of American WNBA Transnational Sport Labor Migrants, B. Nalani Butler
The Ubiquitous Sport-mediated Space: Sport-mediated Screens, Doubled Illusions, and Live Spectacles in Stadia, Sangwoo In, Choong Hoon Lim, and Paul M. Pedersen
The Worldwide Diffusion of Football: Temporal and Spatial Perspectives, John S. Hill, John Vincent, and Matthew Curtner-Smith
Was dissent being displayed during the Sochi Olympics? Examining the #Sochi2014 hashtag for dissent, Matthew Blaszka, Evan L. Frederick, Timothy J. Newman, and Ann Pegoraro
What Children Love About Athletes: An Exploratory Assessment of Athlete Brand Associations Among Youth Consumers, Antonio S. Williams, Dae Yeon Yeon Kim, Wanyong Choi, and Patrick Walsh
What customers want: Defining engagement on social media in sport, Rebecca M. Achen, Katie Lebel, and Galen Clavio
When good athletes go bad: The impact of the Tiger Woods scandal on consumers’ perceptions of his brand endorsements, Junghwan Park, Joe Phua, Young Ik Suh, and Tywan G. Martin
Why referees stay in the game, Lynn L. Ridinger, Stacy Warner, Jacob K. Tingle, and Kyungun R. Kim
Work-Life Balance in Professional Dance, Rhenna C. Fontenot, Adoree E. McRaney, Olivia T. Larkins, and Jeremy J. Foreman
Youth Olympic Games Awareness: An Analysis of Parents of Elite Youth Sport Athletes, Jeffrey C. Petersen, Sarah Deitz, Brianna Leitzeler, David Bellar, and Lawrence W. Judge