Content Posted in 2013
01 Mission Ruins, Mission San Juan Bautista, Christopher Talbot
02 Ruins In Guerrero, Coahuila, Mexico, Christopher Talbot
03 Mission San Bernardo, Guerrero, Coahuila, Mexico, Christopher Talbot
04 Paso De Francia, Guerrero, Coahuila, Mexico, Christopher Talbot
05 Paso de Las Islas, Guerrero, Coahuila, Mexico, Christopher Talbot
06A Marker in Catarina, Dimmit County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
06B 28 17'54" N 99 24'36" W, Christopher Talbot
06 Paso del Indio Park, Webb County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
07 Paso del Indio. Web County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
08 Jesus Trevino Ranch and Fort at San Ignacio, Zapata County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
09 Los Carralitos, Zapata County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
10 Rancho los Ojuelos National Historic District, Webb County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
11 Presidio Nuestra Senora del Rosario de los Cujanes, Goliad, Texas, Christopher Talbot
12 Conquista Crossing, Karnes County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
13 Mission Nuestra Senora del Espiritu Santo, Victoria County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
14 Mission Nuestra Senora del Espiritu Santo, Victoria County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
15 McGehee Crossing, Hayes County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
16 Mission San Juan Acequia, Bexar County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
17 Mission Espada Aqueduct, Bexar County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
18 Olmos Basin Swale, Bexar County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
19 San Pedro Springs, Bexar County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
2008 Field Excavation Final Report Acosta-Durst-Taylor House, Leslie G. Cecil
2013 Undergraduate Research Conference: Celebrating Academic Diversity, Honors, School of
20 Acequia Madre de Mission de Valero, Bexar County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
22 Comal Springs, Comal County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
22 McKinney Falls State Park (Trail worn into rock) Travis County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
23 Acequia near Mission San Ildefonso, Milam County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
24 Crockett Spring, Crockett, Houston County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
25 Swale, Mission Tejas State Park, Houston County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
26 Trail Marker at Mission Santissimo Nombre de Maria, Houston County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
27 Caddo Mounds State Park, Cherokee County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
28 Trail Marker near Caddo Mounds, Cherokee County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
29 Casa De Piedra / Stone Fort, Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
30 Trail Marker at Mission Dolores, San Augustine County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
31 Trail Marker near Ford's Corner, San Augustine County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
32 Swales at Lucky Loop, Sabine County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
33 Trail Marker at Lobanillo, Sabine County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
34 Lobanillo, Sabine County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
35 El Camino Park, Milam, Sabine County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
36 Trail Marker near Milam, Sabine County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
37 Gaines-Oliphant House, Sabine County, Texas, Christopher Talbot
38 Presidio Los Adaes, Robeline, Louisiana, Christopher Talbot
39 Los Adeas, Swale, Robeline, Louisiana, Christopher Talbot
40 Fort Saint John Baptiste State Historic Site, Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana, Christopher Talbot
Aboveground Biomass Estimation for Three Common Woody Species in the Post Oak Savannah of Texas, Brian P. Oswald, R R. Botting, Dean W. Coble, and Ken W. Farrish
Access to Federal Documents: An Information Age Approach., Marthea J. Turnage and Kayce Halstead
Accommodating Students of Poverty in Middle Schools, Yansy Galdamez, Chakeithia Brown, and Alyssa Phillips
A Computational Study of the Vibrational Spectra of Mono-nitrated Fluoranthenes, Jorge Ojeda
A Determination of the Aspartame Content in Select Diet Beverages, Jorge Ojeda
An Allegorical Reading of Cormac McCarthy's Outer Dark, Renee Williams
An automated technique for monitoring nocturnal avian vocalizations., Brent Burt, James B. Johnson, Daniel Saenz, and Richard N. Conner
An Explanation of Mannerisms, Emilie Gaultier
Animal Whisperer Turned Knight in Shining Armor: A Transformation of Snow White Through the Years, Claudio Rubio
Anthropology Research Project: Through the Portal to the World Exciting Research, Melanie Johnson
A Photographic Journey along El Camino Real de los Tejas, Christopher K. Talbot
Art & Design Miami, Brittani Corin Tyer
"A Shade of Swaby" Fashion Startup Business Plan, Shirmyra Swaby
Bacteriological Water Quality of Forested and Pastured Streams Receiving Land-applied Poultry Litter, Matthew W. McBroom, Chang Mingteh, and Charles Wells
Blogmania, Marthea J. Turnage and Lani Draper
Burning House Art Exhibit, Daniel Baugh
Cataloging: What does the Future Hold?, Ann Ellis
Colony Site Choice of Blue-tailed Bee-eaters: Influences of Soil, Vegetation, and Water Quality., Brent Burt, Hsiao-Wei Yuan, Lee-Ping Wang, Wen-Lian Chang, Ming-Kuang Wang, Chyi-Rong Chiou, and Tzung-Su Ding
Comparing Aggression Levels in Jack Dempsey Cichlids Based on Variation of Haitat Structure, Johnne' Beaty, Bethany Sobray, and Rachael Greer
CONTENTdm & Viewshare, Jennifer Brancato
Death and Dying in Young Adults: Reflections from a Surviving Parent, Andreya Stephenson
Delayed reproduction of translocated Red-cockaded Woodpeckers., Brent Burt, James R. McCormick, Richard N. Conner, and Daniel Saenz
Design of a Comprehensive Geographic Information System for the Administration of El Camino Real De Los Tejas National Historic Trail, Jeffrey M. Williams
East Texas Digital Archives & Collections, Jennifer Brancato
Ecclesiastical Economics: Some Financial Considerations of Mormon Settlement in Illinois, R Philip Reynolds
Economics and Attitude: The Effects of Happiness on Economic Development, Chris Pace
Effects of Weaning Strategy on Growth and Stress in Beef Calves, D L. Warden, M E. Brown, and E G. Brown
Establishing the Learning Effect of Repeated Wingate Anaerobic Tests, Erin Thompson, Natalie Schaeffer, Eric T. Jones, and Malcom T. Whitehead
Evaluating TIFFS (Toolbox for Lidar Data Filtering and Forest Studies) in Deriving Forest Measurements from Lidar Data, John Chapman, I-Kuai Hung, and Jeff Tippen
Evidence of red-cockaded woodpecker nestling displacement by southern flying squirrels., Brent Burt, James R. McCormick, Richard N. Conner, and Daniel Saenz
Evolutionary losses of facial stripes in New World pitvipers, Brent Burt and Matthew Kwiatkowski
Evolutionary stasis, constraint and other terminology describing evolutionary patterns, Brent Burt
First Five Minutes., Marthea J. Turnage and Tina A. Oswald
Focus, Vol. 1 No. 1, Joe Secrest, Gemette McGuire, Richard Coolidge, Barbara Bostic, Marilyn Pruitt, David Lewis, Donald R. Cochran, Milton Burton, Audrey H. Smith, Fant Smart, Ignacio M. Munoz, Arthie Walling Pope, William Rutledge, Beth Clark, Carol Benson Davis, Leroy Dragoo, Ronnie Kaye, Ed White, Kay White, Sherri Winden, Leo Rudd, Simon David Hayes Rev., Pat Brown, Margaret Birdsong, Walter Reeves Feild, Allyn Peralman, and Wilbert Love
Forestry Bulletin No. 1: Reference of Values in Studies Affecting the Southern Pines, an Annotated List, R C. Thatcher
Forestry Bulletin No. 2: Directory of Wood-Using and Related Industries in East Texas, N. T. Samson
Forestry Bulletin No. 3: Bibliography of Forestry Films and Filmstrips, N. T. Samson
Forestry Bulletin No. 4: Root Development of Loblolly Line Seedlings in Modified Environments, M. Victor Bilan
Forestry Bulletin No. 5: Continuous Forest Inventory with Punch Card Machines for a Small Property, Robert D. Baker and Ellis V. Hunt Jr.
Forestry Bulletin No. 7: Films and Filmstrips on Forestry, N. T. Samson
Forestry Bulletin No. 8: Soil Moisture and Soil Temperature Under a Post Oak-Shortleaf Pine Stand, G. Schneider and J. J. Stransky
Forestry Bulletin No. 9: Silviculture of Shortleaf Pine, Laurence C. Walker and Harry V. Wiant Jr
Form, Function, and Fitness: Pathways to Survival., Brent Burt, James B. Johnson, and Thomas J. DeWitt
Geology of the Western Llano Uplift, Fredericksburg to Mason, Texas, R. LaRell Nielson and Chris Barker
Geophysical Determination of Unmarked Graves at 41NA140 (Old Bapist Cemetery/Zion Hill Baptist Church), Leslie G. Cecil and Jeff Roth
Globalizing "Jesus": Critial Review of Processes of Media Globilization in the Production and Global Promotion of the Film "Jesus", Wilson McFarland
Great Places to Work, Caty Beard, Bayley Birdwell, Chelsea Bogue, and Rachel Bostick
Group Size and Nest Success in Red-cockaded Woodpeckers in the West Gulf Coastal Plain: Helpers Make a Difference., Brent Burt, Richard N. Conner, Daniel Saenz, Richard R. Schaefer, James R. McCormick, and D. Craig Rudolph
I Can See My House From Here: Five Cool Learning Activities Using Google Earth, R Philip Reynolds
Imprints, Vol. 2, Jerry D. Fitzgerald, Kim Shaffer, Jill Huber, Terry H. Scott, Melissa Miller, Jana White, Judy Tollinger, and Amy Patterson
Imprints, Vol. 3, Laura Lundgren, Sandra L. Standley, Melissa Miller, Curtis Simmons, Vaughn Hamilton, Steve Geissen, Edward Shelton, James L. Choron, Anderson Kelley, Andrew J. Urbanus, Gordon Garrett Conner, James Chionsini Jr., Paul M. Thomason, Carol McBrayer, and Jessica Anton
Imprints, [Vol. 5], Melissa Jeanne Miller, Melonie Herring, Chad Poovey, Sandra Stanley, Theodore J. Calcaterra, Beatrice Fernandez, James L. Choron, Lathon Lewis, Christian Williams, Joe Gound, Eric Meissner, W Mallory Marsden, and Patricia O'Neill
Influence of habitat use-patterns on cooperative breeding in the Brown-headed Nuthatch., Brent Burt and Albert Herb
Information Architecture, R Philip Reynolds
Inter-Regional Socioeconomic and Sociopolitical Relations of the Postclassic Maya of North-Central Yucatan, Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala, Leslie G. Cecil
Janice Pattillo Early Childhood Research Center
Keep IT Simple: Internet Reference Support for Distance Learners., Marthea J. Turnage, Randy McDonald, and Wade Carter
Loretta Lynn: Voicing Feminism, Kayla L. Fox
Making the Connection: Library Services for Distance Education and Off-campus Students., Marthea J. Turnage and Randy McDonald
Mercury Concentrations in Streams of East Texas, Mingteh Chang, Mark C. Cochran, R. Scott Beasley, and Matthew W. McBroom
Mission Driven Web Development, R Philip Reynolds
Online Catalogs and User Education, Marthea J. Turnage
Online Catalogs and User Education, Marthea J. Turnage
Organization Outreach to the SFA Campus, Julissa Lopez, Wil McFarland, Amy Brennan, and Trevor Sparks
Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons Program and Implications for US National Security., Michael Tkacik
Plumage-based phylogenetic Analyses of the Meropsbee-eaters., Brent Burt
Professor Salaries at Stephen F. Austin State University, Jami Miller
Promotional Poster 1, Honors, School of
Promotional Poster 2, Honors, School of
Pulp, Vol. 1 No. 1, Lloyd McCameron, Robert Grayson, Mary Frances Corsey, Gladys Burrows, James Fuller, Weldon Wright, Bessie Rodgers, Audrey Lee Blanton, Janie Merle Muckleroy, Fred Lee, Wilhemina Meriwether, James Graham, Weldon Wright, and Carl Brown
Pulp, Vol. 2 No. 1, W J. McCawley, Audrey Lee Blanton, Lynn Hanna, Bill Ferem, Milryn Wallis, Wilson T. Muckleroy, Jack Walker, W D. Moore, Wilma Watkins, Emily Mays, Anne Birdwell, Marzett Thomas, Gladys Burrows, Manton Jones, Eugenia Tadlock, and Bessie Rodgers Lundsford
Pulp, Vol. 3 No. 1, Anne Birdwell, Jack Walker, Melba Moore, Lillian Ruth Harvin, Irvin Moses, Madge Gribble, Audrey Lee Blanton, Margaret Chaney, Bryan Reynolds, Rose Marie Poe, Fannie Mae Alexander, Naomi Banks Taylor, Jack Walter, John Kilpatrick, and Gladys Burrows
Pulp, Vol. 4 No. 1, Virgie Lee Jowell, Jimmie Jeanne Mangum, Bryan Reynolds, Madge Gribble, Nancy Bunn, Margaret Chaney, Mary Agnes Wolford, Harry Lou Collier, Mary Elizabeth Garrard, Para Llels, Louise Chneval, Aubrey Kindred, and Irvin Moses
Que Bonita Es Esta Vida, Samara Martinez
Rainfall, El Nino, and Reproduction of Red-cockaded Woodpeckers., Brent Burt, Richard N. Conner, Daniel Saenz, Richard R. Schaefer, James R. McCormick, and D. Craig Rudolph
Relationships among arthropods, herbaceous-shrub layer vegetation, and soil in an early succession pine stand., Brent Burt, Richard N. Conner, and Saenz Daniel
Relationships Between Habitat and Snag Characteristics and the Reproductive Success of the Brown-headed Nuthatch (Sitta pusilla) in Eastern Texas., L. Lynnette Dornak, Brent Burt, Dean W. Coble, and Richard N. Conner
Relationships between herbaceous diversity and biomass in two habitats in arid Mediterranean rangeland, Mohammad N. Alhamad, Brian P. Oswald, Mohammad M. Bataineh, Mohammad A. Alrababah, and Mohammad M. Gharaibeh
Resveratrol Effects on Breast Cancer, Shelby Young
Runoff and Sediment Losses from Annual and Unusual Storm Events from the Alto Experimental Watersheds, Texas: 23 Years After Silvicultural Treatments, Matthew W. McBroom, R Scott Beasley, Mingteh Chang, Brian Gowin, and George G. Ice
Runoff of Silvicultural Herbicides Applied Using Best Management Practices, Matthew W. McBroom, Jeff Louch, R Scott Beasley, Mingteh Chang, and George G. Ice
Shared Serials Project of the East Texas Consortium of Libraries., Marthea J. Turnage
Social and Breeding Biology of Bee-eaters in Thailand., Brent Burt
Soil Erosion and Surface Water Quality Impacts of Natural Gas Development in East Texas, USA, Matthew W. McBroom, Todd Thomas, and Yanli Zhang
Spiritual Economics: Some Financial Considerations of Mormon Settlement in Illinois, R Philip Reynolds
Stephen F Austin State University Journal of Education Vol. 1 No. 1, Mary Appleberry, Ronnie Barra, Nancy Clark, Kent Cochran, Michael Fitsko, Thomas D. Franks, Patsy Hallman, Betty Harrison, Douglas J. House, Milton Payne, Dale Perritt, Glenn C. Shinn, and Wendall Spreadbury
Stephen F Austin State University Journal of Education Vol. 2 No. 1, Mary Appleberry, Francis Baccigalopi, Camille G. Bell, Duke Brannen, M. J. Cepica, Missy Corley, James DiNucci, Gloria Durr, Carole Dyer, Patsy Hallman, William Heeney, Lynn Luther, David Nelson, Thomas A. Quarles, Kay Rayborn, Sherry Rulfs, and Cecilia Thomas
Stephen F Austin State University Journal of Education Vol. 3 No. 1, Barbara Barrett, Carolyn Baxter, Camille G. Bell, Donna Couchenour, Renee Chreech, Charlene Crocker, Sue E. Butts, James M. DiNucci, Gloria E. Durr, Mack Hall, Lynn Luther, Melodie McDonald, Douglas Prewitt, Frank Smith, and Connie Spreadbury
Stream Water Quality and Quantity Effects from Select Timber Harvesting of a Streamside Management Zone, Luke Sanders and Matthew W. McBroom
Sun, Moon, Stars, Rain, Vol. 1 No. 1, Jeff Lindemann, Keith Harvey, Bonnie Raines, Leslie Lubinski, Sarida Steed, Webdy Woodall, Gary Rosp, David Sullivan, David Farris, Tim Couch, Asa Peavy, Robery Jeffers, C Rubick, Terry G. Halladay, and Steve McGowan
Sun, Moon, Stars, Rain, Vol. 7 No. 11, David L. Hoehns, Larry Koenig, Pamela Lynn Palmer, C D. Morrison, Linda Harkness, Sydney L. Kincer, Kerri D. Young, Martha Schwartz, Brigid Corbett, Robert M. Jeffers, Debbie K. Stowe, Debra Galliher, Ellen Schrader, Candy Chesleigh, and Lucy Johnson
TEF, Vol. 1 No. 1, Neal Murphy, Charlotte King Smith, James Johnson, T. E. Ferguson, Flo Alexander, Betty Todd, Roy C. Gandy, Jerry Elliott, Ray Swindell, Esther Hargis, Sandra Garner, George Demaris, Gerald Hefferman, Harry Brown, and Jack Wilbanks
TEF, Vol. 2 No. 1, Bebe Whitworth, Parrish Cox, Cates Burrows, Jane Metcalf, Virginia Holloway, Margaret Pittman, Diane Engstrom, Marjorie McNeill, Eleanor Crockett, Mrs. Frank Sisco, Jan Scott, Bill Bailey, Johnnie Maud Tyler, Jack Peebles, Tommy Moses, and Emma C. Brannon
TEF, Vol. 3 No. 1, Kay Boyd, Lawrence Smith, Robert Southern, Rick Pezdirtz, Katherine Nelson, Buene Sitton, Sonja Fojtik, Sam Logan, and Ethel Walker
TEF, Vol. 4 No. 1, Janice Brisack, Lynne Lowe, Wanda DuBose, Felda Courtney, Edward Matteson, Janece Hudson, Sandra Christine Lea, Alice Felton, Sandra Whitaker, Bill Rambo, Carl F. Dyes, Jerry Sechrist, Barbara Bailey, Byron Lynn Beiard, and Jack B. Gaston
TEF, Vol. 5 No. 1, Terry Youngblood Grey, Jerry Reck, Roberta Jefferies, Clara Anthony, Larry Spradley, Ben Pleasant, Bill Petty, Joyce Mace, J R. Wright, Keith Allred, Wanda Williams, Ted Trout, and Mrs. Martin Rucker
The Contact Period of Central Peten, Guatemala in Color, Timothy W. Pugh and Leslie G. Cecil
The Effectiveness of Guided Reading on Reading Achievement, Cinnamon McKey
The Impact of Small Group Instruction on the Reading Ability of Three First Grade Students, Jillian Wilson
The Introduction of the Black Conductor, Akeila Thomas
The Librarian as Hacker, Getting More from Google, R Philip Reynolds
The Pentagram, Conrad Pendleton, Charles T. Guy, Gemette McGuire, Joe Bobb, Bill Armstong, Jim Harris, Sonny Hyles, and Mike Williams
The Pentagram, No. 1, Gemette McGuire, John M. Good, Jim R. Harris, Bill Armstrong, Sonny Hyles, and Jim Bobb
The Pentagram, No. 2, Bill Armstrong, Sonny Hyles, Mike McJilton, Gemmetto McGuire, Suzanne Roberts, Jim R. Harris, Charles T. Guy, and Joe M. Bobb
The P.E.R.K. Program, Kayla Morton, Juan Duarte, and Bryan Wells
The Railroad's Effect on Racial and Gendered Consumption Practice in Nacogdoches County, East Texas: A Case Study of Melrose, TX, Evadney Cooper
The SFA Business Review Vol. 1 No. 1, Charles W. Brown
The SFA Business Review Vol. 1 No. 2, Charles W. Brown, Don A. Evans, Thomas K. Hunter, John H. Lewis, and Dillard Tinsley
The SFA Business Review Vol. 2 No. 1, Charles W. Brown, M. Dudley Stewart, Dillard B. Tinsley, John H. Lewis, Cecil Dollar, Weldon L. Smith, Ed D. Roach, and Don Evans
The SFA Business Review Vol. 2 No. 2, M. Dudley Stewart, Ralph L. White, John H. Lewis, Danny R. Arnold, John D. Whitt, Patsy Spurrier, and Janelle C. Ashley
The SFA Business Review Vol. 3 No. 1, M. Dudley Stewart Jr., Wille Earl Woods Tidnall, Vinay Kothari, Don A. Evans, and Janelle C. Ashley
The SFA Business Review Vol. 3 No. 2, M. Dudley Stewart, Janelle C. Ashley, John D. Whitt, Marlin C. Young, and Ralph White
The SFA Business Review Vol. 3 No. 3, M. Dudley Stewart Jr., Chester L. Allen, Don A. Evans, Patrick Michael Conn, Elick N. Maledon Jr., and Janelle C. Ashley
The SFA Economist Vol. 1 No. 1, David Townsend
The SFA Economist Vol. 1 No. 2, Robert S. Maxwell and David Townsend
The SFA Economist Vol. 2 No. 1, Nelson T. Samson and L. W. Ellerbrook
The SFA Economist Vol. 2 No. 2, Lawrence T. Franks, Robert S. Glover, and David Townsend
The SFA Economist Vol. 3 No. 1, Karl T. Schlicher and David Townsend
The SFA Economist Vol. 3 No. 2, Robert Maxwell, Judson White, and A. C. Butler
The SFA Economist Vol. 4 No. 1, J. E. Ericson and Hanieth Flynt
The SFA Economist Vol. 4 No. 2, Doris Elizabeth King and Walter H. Lewis
The Strayed Reveller, No. 1, Jack Bartlett, John Bacho, Joe Secrest, Pate Warner, James Williams, B J, Robert Humphrey, P B, Nancy Bowling, David Lewis, Gary Selman, Charles Gruber, and Leo Rudd
The Strayed Reveller, No. 2, Terry Whistler, Joe Secrest, David Davis, Mike Owens, Chip Adams, Joel Dembille, Becky Jung, Stan Alexander, Travis Holland, Nancy Bowling, Pate Warner, and Jack Bartlett
The Strayed Reveller, No. 3, Joclyn Murff, Mike Owens, Jack Bartlett, Griff Humphries, Alexander Rodewald, Walter Tapp, Larry Kolvoord, Tarzan Suggs, Jackie Saunders, Joe Secrest, Pate Warner, David Lewis, and Susan Radig
The Strayed Reveller, No. 4, Terry Whistler, Michael Owens, Jack Bartlett, Becky Jung, Leo Rudd, David Lewis, Travis Holland, Pate Warner, Nancy Bowling, and Susan Radig
The Strayed Reveller, No. 5, Jack Bartlett, Tinbani Giarc, Philip Gallo, Joe Secrest, Pate Warner, Joel Dumville, Wade Roberts, John Witney, Leo Rudd, Carol Spaulding, Larry Kolwoord, David Lweis, L A. Beckman, Becky Jung, and Tonie Flowers
The Strayed Reveller, No. 6, Jim Williams, Harry McMurphey, Gail Means, Philip Gallo, Deannie Francis, Jack Bartlett, John Whitney, Becky Jung, Charles Hopkins, Wade Roberts, David Lewis, Jan Ryan, Cydney Adams, Larry Chevallier, Joe Seacrest, Steve Arnold, and Mary Kleitx
The Strayed Reveller, No. 7, Donald Cochran, Charles Hopkins, Terry Whistler, Philip Gallo, Richard Favor, James Hunt, Lounea Anderson, B J. Adams, Jan Ryan, David Spradley, Patty Jones, George Luciani, Pate Warner, Vik Ives, and J Fellhauer
The Strayed Reveller, No. 8, Cydney Adams, Griffin Jones, Barbara Guisnner, Philip Gallo, Michael Cox, Stan Lackey, Elise Williams, Kim Hughes, Jack Bartlett, Frank Follis, Leo Rudd, David Lewis, Cathy Speas, and Bruce Dye
Tooling Up for Internet Searching, R Philip Reynolds
Turrent Configurations and Particle Paths, Zihao Lawrence Jian
Using Technology at a Distance., Marthea J. Turnage and Lani Draper
Vegetation and Avian Response to Prescribed Fire on Glade Habitats in the Missouri Ozarks., Brent Burt, Christopher E. Comer, Andrea L. Bell, Brian P. Oswald, and Warren C. Conway
Warfare vs. Business: A comparison of East Asian Principles and Strategies, Theunis Oliphant