

Caddo Archeology Journal




The Cheatwood Place is a multi-component midden mound located on an upland projection at the confluence of Christopher Branch and Little Mustang Creek, about 1.5 kilometers north of the Sulphur River. The site has thick midden deposits with excellent fauna! and shell preservation, and promises to contribute important information on several periods of Sulphur River prehistory. The archaeological record in this part of the Sulphur River basin is not well known at present.

Investigations at the Cheatwood Place site have been limited to surface collections, and the excavation by Cheatwood of a single 1 x 1 meter test unit in the midden mound. Vertical provenience was not noted in the test unit, the matrix of which was screened through 1/4 inch mesh, except that the midden was approximately 60 to 90 cm in thickness with artifacts throughout the deposit.

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