SFA Weather Station

About the Station

The SFA/NWS Weather Station is located in Pecan Park on the south side of Starr Avenue (1020 Starr Avenue), Nacogdoches, Texas. It was moved from near the tennis courts along Wilson Drive on January 16, 2006 and was then moved from the SFA football stadium to Wilson Drive in 1972. The Station has been a weather observation network of the National Weather Service since 1989 and data collected are reported to NWS and the Texas Water Development Board. Daily rainfall and air temperature data for Nacogdoches are available since 1901. These data were collected from several sites within the City with a distance of less than 3.5 miles among each other. They are compiled to give monthly and annual total and other climatic parameters.

The Collection

Current Weather Conditions

Weather Station Data

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Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture

SFA/NWS Weather Station - SFA College of Forestry


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