

Billy D. Turner


Texas Historical Commission


During late September 2017, Turpin and Sons Inc. (TAS) conducted a cultural resource survey of the Ivy Berdoll 53-acre tract in southeast Travis County, Texas for Kleinfelder, acting as agents for Del Valle ISD. The survey tract is located north of Del Valle High School, south of State Highway 71 and east of Ross Road. The work was conducted by TAS staff Billy Turner and Terry Burgess, under the authority of Texas Antiquities Permit 8168 with Dr. Jeff Turpin acting as Principal Investigator. Modern land use is hilly pastureland that has been actively farmed since the 1930’s. Survey was conducted in parallel transects covering the entire property. Sixty-eight shovel tests were dug across the property with no evidence of prehistoric or significant historic occupation or use found. Two standing structures are located on the property. The older of the two was constructed in 1956, the younger in 1968. The former was recorded as archeological site 41TV2544. While the house is historic, it has no characteristics that quality it for designation as a State Antiquities Landmark or listing on the National Register of Historic Places.

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