

Reign Clark


Texas Historical Commission


Goshawk Environmental Consulting, Inc. (Goshawk) conducted a cultural resources survey of the proposed ±20,810-foot (6,343-meter [m]) Conan to Conan SWD 10-inch Water Line right-of-way (ROW) in Loving County, Texas at the request of EOG Resources, Inc. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) consisted of a 75-foot (23-m) wide ROW. The ROW consisted of a 50-foot (15-m) wide permanent water line easement and a 25-foot (8-m) wide temporary construction easement. One review area was identified within the proposed ROW located within the due diligence review radius of previously documented archeological site 41LV18. The field investigation was conducted by Goshawk archeologist Reign Clark with Mitch Juenke on 31 March 2015. Reign Clark served as author for the report of investigations. Zach Stark provided Geographic Information Systems (GIS) figures and Erin Keenan provided quality control for the report of investigations.

This survey was performed in compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (PL 89–665), as amended in 1974, 1976, 1980, and 1992; the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (PL 91–190, 83 Stat. 915 USC 4231, 1970); the Procedures for the Protection of Historic and Cultural Properties (36 CFR 800); the Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979; as well as the guidelines set forth by the Council of Texas Archeologists (1995).

Site 41LV18 was mapped on the apex of a coppice dune ridge and the proposed ROW was routed to the south of the dunes to avoid the landform. Exposures of native caliche and nearly 100 percent ground surface visibility allowed a thorough investigation of the proposed ROW which yielded entirely negative results. However, while attempting to identify the southern site boundary in relation to the north boundary of the staked ROW, a single large prehistoric ceramic sherd was located. The artifact was located near the center of the documented site boundaries. None of the artifact classes identified by the original site recorders were observed during the survey and no other cultural materials were identified within the mapped boundaries of site 41LV18. No shovel tests were conducted within the proposed ROW due to caliche exposures and very favorable surface visibility. No shovel testing was conducted within the boundaries of site 41LV18 as the site falls completely outside of the proposed ROW.

Although no materials were identified within the proposed ROW, the singular diagnostic find validated a National Register of Historic Places eligibility determination of “Undetermined” issued by the Texas Historical Commission in 2000. Based on its physical properties, the ceramic sherd dates the site to 1200 to 1400 A.D. and places the deposits in affiliation with the Casas Grandes/Jornada Mogollon cultures. The site’s eligibility for inclusion to the NRHP and designation as a SAL remains unknown. Any further impacts to the site vicinity should be avoided (Figure 3). If construction impacts and vehicular/machinery traffic are confined to the ROW as proposed, no disturbance of site 41LV18 is anticipated.

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