
Article Title

Archaeological Testing of 41BX1788 on the Salado Creek Greenway near Voelcker Ranch, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas


Leonard Kemp


In September of 2008, The Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) of The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) conducted eligibility testing of a previously unknown archaeological site adjacent to the Salado Creek Greenway near the Voelcker Ranch, located in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. 41BX1788 was found by a local resident after the construction of piers for a pedestrian bridge associated with the Salado Creek Greenway. The primary purpose of testing was to determine if any intact cultural deposits or features remained that would be impacted by further bridge construction. CAR excavated a 1 x 1-meter test unit and found no features or intact deposits that merit further investigation. Due to the mixing of modern materials with prehistoric deposits caused by multiple processes, CAR suggests that the archaeological deposits have low research value and the site does not warrant nomination to the National Register of Historic Places or designation as a State Archaeological Landmark. We recommend that bridge construction proceed as planned.

The archaeological investigations were conducted under Texas Antiquities Permit # 5030 with Steve A. Tomka as Principal Investigator. All collected artifacts and project associated documents are permanently curated at the Center for Archaeological Research