Global Sport Business Journal

The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate the factors motivating season ticket holders and multi-game pack purchasers to attend summer collegiate baseball games. The Sport Fan Motivation Scale (Wann, Schrader, & Wilson, 1999) was slightly modified in this study to determine fan attendance motives at summer collegiate baseball games. The participants of this study (n = 70) were season ticket holders and multi-game pack purchasers of the St. Cloud Rox baseball organization, a summer collegiate baseball team in the Northwood’s League. Results revealed that sport marketers may want to focus a majority of their attention to entertainment, considering the top three sport motivation factors were entertainment related. In addition, T-tests revealed statistical significance between gender and age in sport fan motives. Implications discussed in this paper may aid sport marketers and other stakeholders in planning and implementing marketing strategies within similar venues to increase attendance and season ticket sales.
Recommended Citation
Wallrich, Susan; Romsa, Katelyn; Lim, Jon; Orr, Thomas; and Romsa, Bryan
"Analysis of Fan Motivation Factors In A Summer Collegiate Baseball League,"
Global Sport Business Journal: Vol. 9:
1, Article 1.
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