Global Sport Business Journal

The 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil offered researchers an opportunity to investigate how Olympic broadcasters utilized social media to promote their televised coverage. This study focuses on posts shared by the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) on the network’s official Olympic Instagram account. Guided by the theory of the firm, the research examined nearly 1,050 Instagram posts from @NBCOlympics shared between the Opening and Closing Ceremonies to determine what percentage were promotional, what sports were more heavily promoted, and which athletes were featured most often in the network feeds. The analysis revealed that only 10% of all posts shared by the network contained promotional content, revealing that NBC did not use the platform as a promotional tool.
Recommended Citation
Hull, Kevin; Romney, Miles; Pegoraro, Ann; and Stillwell, Matt
"#SelfPromote: A Case Study Analyzing Promotion on NBC’s Official 2016 Olympic Instagram Account,"
Global Sport Business Journal: Vol. 6:
2, Article 1.
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