Global Sport Business Journal

While social media provide channels to engage customers, social media engagement is neither a well-defined nor well-understood term. The purpose of this study was to examine how sport fans view their own social media engagement, better understand what social media engagement means to them, and work to discover what types of social media content they find “engaging”. Through a series of focus groups, this exploratory research found that sport consumers are diverse in their understanding of engagement. Results suggest that sportminded social media users have embraced a wide variety of social media interaction strategies that go beyond traditional measures and definitions of engagement. Given that consumer engagement is frequently touted as the ultimate goal of social media marketing, these findings encourage sport marketers to reconsider current engagement measures and develop more sophisticated content strategies for optimal consumer interaction.
Recommended Citation
Achen, Rebecca M.; Lebel, Katie; and Clavio, Galen
"What customers want: Defining engagement on social media in sport,"
Global Sport Business Journal: Vol. 5:
3, Article 1.
Available at:
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