Global Sport Business Journal

During the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games various issues came to light including Russia’s anti-gay stance and construction issues. This study explored the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games official hashtag (#Sochi2014) through the theoretical lens of framing to see if dissent was being displayed. To examine those tweets, the software, Leximancer was used to explore conceptual and relational analysis on words that are written as well as visual text. Tweets were collected before, during, and after the Olympics to determine if dissent was being displayed. Results found five themes that emerged with at least 25% connectivity. Those themes were gold, Olympics, Sochi, NBCOlympics, and skating. Furthermore, findings noted that dissent was a peripheral theme and wasn’t discussed much using the #Sochi2014 hashtag.
Recommended Citation
Blaszka, Matthew; Frederick, Evan L.; Newman, Timothy J.; and Pegoraro, Ann
"Was dissent being displayed during the Sochi Olympics? Examining the #Sochi2014 hashtag for dissent,"
Global Sport Business Journal: Vol. 4:
1, Article 1.
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